Sacred Earth Technologies

For years we have been receiving guidance from the Earth Being, Gaia, and it is because of her inspiration that we are here in Costa Rica, building the educational research facility at Garden Village. Her true nature is about finding solutions. This is Lady Earth, whom we here at Garden Village have come to know.

We know her by the name Kara, a name that she has requested that we use. It is similar to a name that she was known by ages ago; Kor. Kor, is believed to be the oldest known name for Lady Earth as well as the oldest known word in human history.

We have learned many things from Kara, everything from gardening to architecture to the love and care that releases the magic of the new day of consciousness. We have coined the term Sacred Earth Technology to refer to this wisdom.

There are many others around the world who receive guidance from Kara; writers, artists, movie producers, etc. Each of them receiving information tailored to their individual talent and understanding.

The guidance that we have received from her at Garden Village has a masculine component and a feminine component.

The feminine is about care for the land, care for one another, gardening, and food preservation.

The masculine guidance comes in the form of designs for new forms of transportation and construction techniques.

For instance in 2006 the Strawjet technology won The Invention of the Year contest sponsored by Time Magazine, the History Channel, and the Inventers Hall of Fame. While David Ward was the one to receive the award, the original inspiration was Kara’s.

Of all the technologies under development at Garden Village the one that she is most persistent about is high-speed Personal Rapid Transit, (PRT) project Railplane.

Referred to at times as ultra-light rail, PRT carries passengers in car sized vehicles on elevated tracks. In her view this one technology has the potential to shift humanity’s whole relationship to the Land.

The vision that Kara has shared with us is of a design unlike any existing system or any on the drawing board, so far as we know.

Her version would play quite nicely in a science fiction movie about a future where people travel about in sleek, sexy vehicles far more sophisticated than current forms of travel. Where travel between major cities would be a matter of stretching out on a full sized bed and sleeping, or perhaps playing cards with fellow travelers, not cramped into a tiny airliner seat.

If Kara had her way, you would catch your ride to Cleveland a quarter mile from your house. And book your fare walking to the station.

A movement around this project will give rise to a possibility for a whole spectrum of associated technologies. We see the Railplane as a foundational and inclusive advancement that will catalyze great leaps to be made in other industries, allowing for a broad appeal and buy-in potential.

There is widespread awareness of the pressing need to embody the vision of green cities and villages. More than a subtle shift is needed to redesign our consumption of resources and our urbanscapes. Railplane is a disruptive technology that crosses the border of this transformation, literally transporting a society from one paradigm to the next.

Of all the ingredients that go into the makeup of tomorrow’s city, the ground floor of that vision is the transportation solution. Walkways, wild lands, open-air vendors and residencies are all dependent upon reclaiming the land from the automobile. This vision of a city unclouded by the antiquated exhaust of our predecessors is the guiding light for our pursuits.