
Timeless codes of Truth

Timeless codes of Truth

  Butterfly flitting brilliant blue against the gold-lit morning green of Sumac leaves and darker hues of Guava twigs still glistening in the early christened dew. Toucan flies from perch to perch among the tallest cedar tops, as Yellow Breasted Wren sends her vibrant melodies throughout the dawn’s first thought, and farm-yard chickens sing the […]


My being vibrates from the potency, beauty and awakening of the now. A cosmic pulse, not unlike the sounds of my very jungle surrounding, glows with each conscious breathe that fills my lungs. The length of breathe continues as I exhale, bringing me deeper into the moment. Steadily, gracefully, like the river around me; I […]

Sugar Cane Day!

Sugar Cane Day!

A Special Day in Life at Garden Village There are many special days that have happened over the course of Garden Villages life. For me as a newcomer, I see evolution at the community happening just as it does in the tropics, life growing at a rapid pace. Yesterday though, was a very special day, […]

Quiet Reflection

Quiet Reflection

January 2015 Garden Village Mi cuerpo, mi corazón, mi mente, mi alma y espirito son juntos aquí. At Garden Village, my mind regularly returns to a smiling question: “How am I here? How does it happen that my desires are continually manifesting?” I end my evening sitting in a swaying hammock, rocking me into a […]

Love and Light

Love and Light

Our stay with Susannah at Garden Village was surrounded in beauty; an uplifting and cherished experience. From the very first moments of being on this vibrant piece of land we quickly felt the love and abundance it has to offer. Feeling highly connected to the flora through harvesting food such as sugar cane for sweet […]

Birthday in the Jungle

Birthday in the Jungle

What a delightful 24th birthday! Susannah’s fresh bread was so gorgeous. It rose really quickly and grew so big with the heat here. I got to use the Internet to write my mom, dad, Jeff, and Theo, which was super nice. Mom even got to call down here and talk to me. It was nice […]

Sharing in the joy!

Wealth of Kindness

I visited Garden Village towards the end of a three month stay in Costa Rica where I had the opportunity to travel across the country and experience many different communities and cultures. While I have enjoyed each and every one of these experiences, none of these places have offered the wealth of kindness, community, and […]

Supreme Regard

Supreme Regard

Supreme Regard A lot can be said about the idea that became the very conceptual backbone of the Garden Village Project. “Supreme Regard” as it stands, is a contemporary reaffirmation of a concept that has wafted through the collective deposits of human aphorisms for millennia. In fact, the basic ‘ethic of reciprocity’ has been phrased […]

Learning the process of making Kimchi

Sustainable technological skills

My three-day visit at Garden Village provided me with what seems like a couple weeks’ worth of experience and knowledge of community-based permaculture.  Susannah is an exceptional teacher of cultivation and working the natural landscape, and she is an extremely kind, welcoming and loving individual.  In only two days time, my friends and I learned […]

Devon's first, and proud, banana harvest

Arriving at the Garden — Jungle Abundance

Alors! I start with a French saying because that is what part of my brain has been activated since I have arrived in Costa Rica.  The part of my brain I associate with travel lust, overwhelming sensations of joy and discovery.  I feel like a ripe fruit ready to burst taking in the cultural exchange.  […]